About us
CPL Sachse manufactures active pharmaceutical ingredients (small molecules) under cGMP for (pre-) clinical development and, if necessary, subsequent commercialization on a pilot plant scale (≤ 50 kg). Our company has already been successfully inspected several times by the FDA.
In addition, we develop and validate the analytical methods required to test our APIs and the corresponding drug products and also carry out stability tests on the respective final products.
We also offer all the regulatory services required for the preparation and submission of a pharmaceutical dossier (for APIs and drug products).
Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH
Stieffring 14
13627 Berlin
fon: +49 30 343462-60
fax: +49 30-343462-69
e-mail: info[aet]cpl-sachse.de