About us
ChemCon GmbH is a medium-sized company of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, which has specialized in the synthesis of sophisticated active pharmaceutical ingredients and other fine chemicals while meeting the highest quality standards. The performance range extends from cGMP -compliant quick production of small amounts, e.g. for research purposes and clinical trials, to commercial synthesis.
Main markets are Europe, North America, Canada, the Middle East and Japan. Our location in Freiburg has been certified repeatedly by the FDA. ChemCon has successfully completed more than 500 projects since its founding 1997th About 50 of them concern pharmaceutical ingredients in different clinical stages We manufacture used for many DMFs and ASMFs. Our award-winning strategy of “dedicated equipments ” is a decisive factor for ChemCons unsurpassed product quality.
ChemCon GmbH
Engesserstr. 4b
79108 Freiburg i.Br.
fon: +49 (0)761-5597-440
fax: +49 (0)761-5597-449
e-mail: info[aet]chemcon.com