The CASID emerged as “Arbeitsgemeinschaft chemische Auftragssynthese in Deutschland“ already in 2000. Since 2009, we are a registered association.
Custom Synthesis (“Auftragssynthese”), i.e. the implementation and improvement of a customer method developed in our plants is a challenging segment of the fine chemical industry and requires a particularly intense customer responsiveness.
The German custom synthesis industry, thanks to the high quality of its chemical competence and their extraordinarily high level of customer understanding gained worldwide recognition.
To enhance that reputation further, german custom synthesis companies operate together in the CASID. They all have individual technology platforms and their respective specific know-how. Among the members are divisions of large companies, but also many independent medium and smaller firms. A few milligrams in research up to many hundreds of tons per year can be tailor-made product and all sizes depending on the customer requirements are produced.
Member companies share in common interestes wihtin the CASID to improve service to their customers. The CASID e.V. therefore contributes actively to the fact that Germany as an important country for custom synthesis comes into favor of a global customer base.